Saturday, April 07, 2007

Audio Book Club_

Start Your Own Audio Book Club

Book lovers have long been starting and joining book clubs. There is something very rewarding about sitting around with friends and discussing your varied views on a favorite book. Multitasking has become a way of life and the emergence of audio books has found its way into the lives of busy book lovers across America. If you find yourself among the growing number of audio book fans, you can still experience the fun and friendships that come from joining an audio book club. Starting an audio book club from scratch is not as difficult as you may think. The biggest challenge may be finding a meeting place and agreeing on the gathering time. Your local library may be able to help. They may also be an experienced source of help during your development of your audio book club.

How to Get Started

After you find a meeting place and set the time, it's time to get the word out. Distribute fliers to the local community bulletin boards, hand them out at church, send out emails to friends and family and don't forget to canvass your local library branches. After receiving some interested contacts, you can choose a moderator for the initial meeting. A vote can be taken at the first meeting to determine a permanent moderator or you may choose to make a rotation list. Be sure to get contact information in case a meeting needs to cancel for inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances. Everyone present at the first meeting should suggest a title of two for review and a vote can be taken on the most popular choices.

Be sure to determine your next meeting time and place before leaving. You may also want to set some ground rules like bringing children to meetings or adding new members. It would be helpful to discuss what your expectations of the audio book club experience are. Many audio books have discussion topics available either with the product or available separately online. You may also ask each member to contribute a set number of questions or topics for discussion with each selection.

Audio books are available on every subject from the Bible to science-fiction and romance novels. Your audio book club may decide to choose only selection centered around a set theme or to vary the topics. The key to a successful audio book club is to have fun! Keep in mind that the members have gathered together with a love a books and a desire for new friendships.

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Audio Book Business_

The Growing Success of the Audio Book Business

Due to the growing popularity of audio books, people involved in the audio book business are becoming more and more successful. There is a huge demand for audio books, especially now that people use portable audio equipment on a regular basis. Business involved in audio books has boomed and the market for these products has expanded to every walk of life. Good business supplies audio books in every possible genre from self-help to children's books and this is why success in the audio book business has continued to grow. At one stage audio books seemed to be limited to obscure or educational audio versions that could be borrowed from the library but nowadays all books shops and even music shops supply audio books. The audio book business has even exploded onto the Internet, expanding the market and providing valuable services worldwide. Working in an audio book business is now considered to be a busy job in a successful company as audio books are becoming a lot more commonplace and used. Even schools are now using audio books as part of their lessons or playtime.

Getting Established in the Audio Book Business

There is a lot of competition in the audio book business but there is also a lot of demand. The key seems to be supplying as wide a range of audio books as possible to as large an audience as possible. Getting supplies of various genres of audio book can be relatively simple but attracting a sizeable amount of custom can be slightly more difficult. The best way seems to be embracing all forms of sales and advertisement, from opening an audio book shop to supplying audio books to bookstores. From providing mail service to online services, the options in this type of business are endless.

In order to stay ahead of the competition, however, an audio book business should be able to provide alternatives to the regular forms of audio books. For example, downloadable audio books are a must have option at this time, especially the types of files that can be downloaded onto a portable external device such as an mp3 player. People are now interested in convenience and there is nothing more convenient than having a book or text downloaded onto an ipod in order to listen to while on the way to work or school. The audio book business should be able to provide both entertainment and educational forms of audio books as well as keep up to date in modern technology while still providing more traditional services for the type of people who are do not frequently use modern technology overall. It is important to provide something for everyone and that seems to be the key to success in the audio book business.

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